

The Migration Research Institute was established in September 2015 with the purpose deepening understandings of migration phenomena – particularly immigration in Europe – through synthesizing the scientific findings of various disciplines.



Event Summary: Illegal Immigration by Sea

Egyeztetés az OID-vel Párizsban

Meeting with OID in Paris

Eseményösszefoglaló: Menedékjog az Egyesült Államokban és Európában

Event Summary: Asylum in the U.S. and Europe

International Migration Research Network established by the Migration Research Institute

International Migration Research Network established by the Migration Research Institute

Horizont 2021/7: Vitatott vizeken – a 2020–2021-es török–görög eszkaláció és háttere

Analysis 2021/1: In disputed waters — The escalation between Turkey and Greece in 2020-2021 and its background

Horizont 2020/24: Az európaiak többsége továbbra is aggodalommal tekint az illegális migrációra — A Századvég Európa Projektjének a migrációt érintő elemzése

Analysis 2020/3: Most Europeans remain concerned about illegal migration

Analysis 2020/2: Reset or Repeat: Will Coronavirus Change the Migration Trends?

Analysis 2020/2: Reset or Repeat: Will Coronavirus Change the Migration Trends?

Analysis 2020/1: False, Forced or Philanthropic? Marriage as a Migratory Route

Analysis 2020/1: False, Forced or Philanthropic? Marriage as a Migratory Route